Do you want to check if you are compliant or need more licenses?
Just see below VMwareKB which contains a PowerCLI script for checking this.
Do you want to check if you are compliant or need more licenses?
Just see below VMwareKB which contains a PowerCLI script for checking this.
For the past few weeks, I have been working with my project team and my customer to help them stand up VMware Access on a secondary site. With the help of Haseeb Waseem, I have created a single spreadsheet which includes all the major steps needed to create a secondary site. Hope this is helpful […]
As Horizon 7.7 just released last week, one of the features my customer often asked me about customizing horizon view default screen for enterprise logo and background. I think it is a nice visual to add some simple branding to the default Horizon landing and portal pages and it is relatively straightforward to accomplish. Let’s […]
In my previous engagement, a customer asked to change the Workspace ONE Access SAML signing cert after a year and a half in production. WS1 Access was fully deployed along with DR sites and configured as 3rd party IDP with ADFS for O365 use cases. Background: SAML signing certificates ensure that messages are coming from […]