Hari Patel
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How to check the compliance of VMware new Licensing for an enterprise
As you might already know VMware announced a change to its per-CPU licensing model,effective April 2, 2020. Do you want to check if you are compliant or need more licenses? Just see below VMwareKB which contains a PowerCLI script for checking this. VMware KB
Enabling dynamic codec switching Horizon View 7.10
VMware Horizon 7.10 – released on September 17, 2019 – ships with a new dynamic encoder. Depending on what content you’re watching in your VDI, it will seamlessly switch to the best suiting codec for optimal performance/quality-balance. While H.264 is ideal for rapidly changing content like videos, JPG/PNG offers better quality for more static content […]
Deployment of VMware Unified Access Gateway (UAG) on AWS as EC2 instance
Deployment of VMware Unified Access Gateway (UAG) on AWS as EC2 instance In this post, I’ll provide guidance on how to Deploy VMware Unified Access Gateway in AWS Amazon Native VPC as EC2 instance. Before we proceed, currently UAG FIPS is only supported on the vSphere environment to all other deployment such as AWS and […]